Trauma & Complex Trauma Therapy For New York

You Don’t Have To Feel Stuck With The Pain Anymore

Scared, Angry, Helpless

You wonder why this happened to you. You wonder if you are to blame.

You get flashbacks or nightmares. You are easily startled.

It feels as if it happened yesterday.

You try to suppress the thoughts but they come back stronger. You cry until there are no tears left. You feel numb.

"What if I get hurt again"?

"Who can I trust?"

"Can I ever get over this pain?"

If any of this resonates with you, then you could be suffering from Complex trauma or C-PTSD.

You want to feel better but you're not sure where to start. You want to live a life free from emotional pain.

The truth is that emotional freedom is possible through therapy. We’re Here to help make it happen.

The effects of trauma can run deep

If you have ever experienced childhood trauma, your world probably felt shattered.

You lose faith in those who were supposed to love and protect you. You have learned to protect yourself (sometimes in maladaptive ways) and not depend on anyone.

You put up walls around you so no one can hurt you again despite feeling lonely.

The concept of self-love is strange to you. No matter how much you achieve you still don't feel good enough.

We are here to help

Therapy will help you in understanding how your trauma affects you and your relationships.

First, we will teach you coping skills to help manage your triggers so you don’t get overwhelmed by the tide of emotions. So you can feel in control.

Then, we will show you ways to let go of your past hurts.

You will grieve the childhood you didn't have and learn to reparent your inner child. You will learn to let others in again.

The transformation after therapy can be incredible

Once you accept and move on from the past traumas, you will feel more hopeful and enjoy the present.

You can break free of the strongholds in your life.

Don't let the past haunt you any further. Your past doesn't have to dictate your future.

You can finally be free of your past; your story isn't over yet.

Are you ready?

If you are ready to move past your traumas, We are ready to help you get there.

Our practice and our therapists specialize in working with trauma. It’s what we do best, and we’ve helped so many clients overcome their past.

We know know it's not easy reaching out for help but taking this step can change your life. It can only get better.

Come share your story with us, and we can guide you on the way.

Reach out below and let’s get started!



Schedule a Call

Reach out using the easy contact form below or call us directly:


Free Consultation

We’ll get in touch with you to learn about your unique situation and match you with the right therapist.


Feel Better

We’ll get started with therapy and guide you through this process so you can reach your goals!