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Where we work one-on-one with a client to address their personal challenges, promote self-awareness, and facilitate emotional healing and growth.

Individual Counseling

New Yorker

Self-growth is not for the faint of heart, but let's face it; neither is living in NYC.




Coming to individual therapy means that you are ready to take back control of your life and heal the areas that hurt you.​ Individual counseling, also known as therapy or psychotherapy, provides a confidential and supportive space for individuals to explore and discuss their thoughts, feelings, and experiences with a trained mental health professional.

Here are some ways in which individual counseling can help in organizing thoughts and feelings:

  1. Expression of Emotions: Counseling provides a safe environment for individuals to express and explore their emotions without judgment. Talking about feelings can help individuals make sense of their experiences and gain clarity.

  2. Increased Self-Awareness: Through therapeutic conversations, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their values, and their motivations. This increased self-awareness contributes to a clearer sense of identity and purpose.

  3. Identifying Patterns: Therapists can help individuals recognize patterns in their thoughts, behaviors, and relationships. Understanding these patterns can lead to insights into the root causes of challenges and contribute to positive change.

  4. Goal Setting and Problem-Solving: Individual counseling often involves setting goals and developing strategies for addressing challenges. Therapists work collaboratively with clients to identify solutions and develop practical coping skills.

  5. Cognitive Restructuring: Therapists may use cognitive-behavioral techniques to help individuals examine and challenge negative or distorted thought patterns. This process can lead to more balanced and constructive thinking.

  6. Processing Trauma: For those who have experienced trauma, counseling provides a space to process and integrate traumatic experiences. Therapists use evidence-based approaches to support healing.

  7. Enhancing Coping Skills: Counseling equips individuals with effective coping mechanisms to manage stress, anxiety, and other challenges. Learning and practicing these skills can contribute to better emotional regulation.

  8. Improving Communication Skills: Therapists often work with individuals to improve communication skills, both in expressing themselves and in navigating relationships. Enhanced communication can lead to healthier interactions with others.

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